Feel free to contact us for any enquiry. Our Team would be happy to help you and answer your questions!
In front of PBM (Child) Hospital, Bikaner (Raj)
Visiting Hours
All Wards: 11am to 8pm
ICU: 5pm to 5.15pm

Centres of Excellence
To ensure you get the affordable excellence you deserve, we bring you an internationally trained and globally acclaimed physician, state-of-the-art technology, clinical innovation, world-class infrastructure, and outstanding quality. All these qualified for Shri Ram Hospital NABH registrations.
Meet Our Specialist
At Shri Ram Hospital we are passionately committed to providing you with the best healthcare by bringing together India’s finest and best-trained doctors from across the country.

Dr. Balvan Singh
Bariatric and Laparoscopic SurgeonM.B.B.S., M.S. (General Surgery), FMAS & FIAGES

Dr. M.P. Khatri
PhysicianM.B.B.S., M.D.

Dr. Jai Prakash Saraswat
Orthopaedic & Spine SurgeonM.B.B.S., M.S. (Orthopaedics)

Dr. Priti Rajpurohit
Gynecologists and ObstetricianM.B.B.S., M.S., DNB, MRCOG, FMAS, FART & FGO

Dr. Ram Naresh Daga
UrologistM.B.B.S., M.S. & DNB

Dr. Ramesh Kadela
ENT SurgeonM.B.B.S., M.S.

Dr. Kamiya Taneja
DentistM.B.B.S., BDS

Dr. Pravesh Taneja
AnaesthetistM.B.B.S., M.D.

Dr. Sumita Meena
Emapanelled with Goverment TPA's

Emapanelled with Major TPA's & Insurance Companies